Pomegranates are a great addition to fruit salads, savoury salads and omelettes

Our pomegranates are locally grown and are a great source of daily nutrition

If you would like to enquire about any of our fantastic pomegranate products, just get in touch

Pomegranates have various health benefits
Pomegranates are loaded with vitamins and minerals.
✔️Vitamin C
✔️Vitamin K
◼️ Are antioxidants.
◼️ Have anti-Inflammatory properties.
◼️ May assist in joint pain, aiding Arthritis.
◼️ May assist in the prevention of various cancers [prostate and breast cancer].
◼️ May lower your risk of heart disease.
◼️ May Improve Exercise Performance as its rich in dietary nitrates, enhancing blood flow and delaying the onset of fatigue.